Kratom Blog / Guides / How to

  • Yellow Kratom

      Yellow Kratom is a relatively new and rare strain of Kratom that has gained popularity among Kratom enthusiasts in recent years. It is derived fr...
  • Kratom potentiators!

    Kratom is a tropical evergreen tree that is native to Southeast Asia. Its leaves contain alkaloids, primarily mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine,...
  • Opioid Crysis

    The opioid crisis refers to the ongoing epidemic of opioid misuse and addiction that has swept across the United States and other countries over th...
  • How to choose strains

    Choosing a kratom strain can be a personal and subjective process, as different strains may affect individuals differently. Here are some factors t...
  • ADHD and Kratom

    There is limited scientific research on the use of kratom for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), and the evidence that is available i...
  • Kratom for Mood Disorders

    Kratom has been reported to have mood-enhancing effects and has been used by some people to manage mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. K...
  • Kratom and Insomnia

    Kratom has been used by some people to help manage insomnia, which is characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Kratom contains...
  • Kratom for chronic pain

    Kratom has been used by some people to manage pain, particularly chronic pain. Kratom contains alkaloids such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragyni...
  • Kratom and Rhematoid Athritis

    Kratom has been used by some people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to help manage symptoms such as pain, inflammation, and fatigue. However, the sc...
  • what are alkaloids in Kratom exactly ??

    Alkaloids are naturally occurring organic compounds that are found in many plants, including kratom, coffee, cocoa, and opium poppies. They are cha...
  • kratom lab tests

    Kratom lab testing is an important process that helps ensure the safety and quality of kratom products. During lab testing, samples of kratom produ...
  • toss and wash

    The method involves taking a measured dose of kratom powder and "tossing" it into the mouth, followed by "washing" it down with a liquid such as wa...